Clean TeQ Water is proud to announce it has won the top prize at IChemE's Global Water Awards, the Outstanding Achievement Award in Chemical and Process Engineering.
wmcleanOctober 19, 2021
Clean TeQ Water is pleased to report that the installation of its BIONEX™ nitrate removal plant in Ordos, China has commenced.
wmcleanOctober 18, 2021
Clean TeQ Water is pleased to announce it has won an IChemE Global Award in the Biochemical Engineering category!
wmcleanOctober 12, 2021
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Ms Robyn McLeod as an Independent Non-Executive Director, effective 8 October 2021.
wmcleanOctober 11, 2021
Clean TeQ Water is pleased to announce the award of a significant contract to design, procure, deliver, and install an EVAPX® system for an agricultural by-product processing facility in Australia.
wmcleanSeptember 23, 2021
We are excited to announce that Clean TeQ Water is a finalist in the Biochemical Engineering, and Innovative Product categories at this year's IChemE Global Awards 2021 for our Innovative…
wmcleanSeptember 7, 2021
September's investor update - the Company’s current and ongoing project pipeline.
wmcleanSeptember 6, 2021
Clean TeQ Water is pleased to announce the successful handover and customer acceptance of the 20,000 tonnes/day CLEAN-IX® metal impurity removal plant located at ERG’s facility in the Democratic Republic…
wmcleanSeptember 6, 2021