Post-Denitrification at a WWTP, Czech Republic

Post-Denitrification at a WWTP, Czech Republic

Lens Encapsulated Bacteria

Clean TeQ Water’s BIOCLENS® technology was used to polish 5 m3/h of effluent to below 2mg/L nitrate.


Clean TeQ Water’s BIOCLENS® technology was installed at a wastewater treatment plant in the Czech Republic in 2011. The plant combined BIOCLENS® technology with chemical precipitation for phosphorus, had a flow rate of 5m3/h and a reactor volume of 5m3. Treatment consistently reduced the nitrate concentration from 15mg/L to 2mg/L.

Water Quality

Denitrification tank volumeFlowrateConcentration N-NO3- in influentConcentration N-NO3- in effluentN-NO3- removal capacityAmount of BIOCLENS®
5 m³130 m³/d15 mg/L2 mg/L1,680 g N-NO3-/hour500 kg


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